Sunday, October 13, 2013


This little fellow is a Harlequin beetle. A male to be precise. They're very seasonal; a little
like Christmas beetles. Look for them around April on Cotton Trees (Tree Hibiscus). As can see they're easy to spot and make very good photographic subjects, not being too fussed if you get very close to them.
Don't touch them though, their defense is a foul smelling liquid.

These are also Harlequin beetles. The yellow ones are the females and the smaller ones are nymphs,
immature versions of the adults.

A nymph in a Cotton Tree pod.

You don't have to go far to find interesting subjects. Mr Camoflage was on the gum tree outside the front of my house. If it hadn't moved I wouldn't have seen it. Unlike the previous bugs, this one isn't easy to find. It's about 1cm long and I have no idea what it's called.